Love this green!

Great blue accent with the white and the natural tone of the baskets and chest.
So I guess you could say I was pretty excited when I stopped at a yard sale and discovered a set of 4 bamboo chairs. The price was $30 for the set (and I really had no idea what a real bamboo chair would sell for...more on that in a moment)!
Hello! Yes, I'll take them...right now. Like, before anyone else discovers my treasure.
At the time, I drove a small SUV.
Have you ever found a piece of furniture, a treasure, I mean, a real NUGGET and you just had to get it home with you right then? Someway, somehow?
Yeah, that was me. I know the lady helping me load them thought I was suffering from some delusion because she finally gave up on my trying to fit the puzzle pieces together so that every chair would fit into my should-be-a-moving-van-but-it's-capacity-challenged vehicle. She said, "Have a good day" and went inside.
I don't think I'm alone when I say (as a thrifter, yard saling bargain hunter) "where there's a will, there's a way!" And I definitely had the will to get those babies home right then. And, I did. I know you know what I'm talking about. It's even funnier when there's a man trying to help a determined woman get the treasure in or on her vehicle, lol! That's another post and another thrifting find.
So, here's a couple of the beauties.
The seat is actually a cream colored fabric. I just tucked this black/white pillow sham around the seat because we had been using the chair at the kitchen table.
This one is at the end of the kitchen table. I added the pillow because I liked the way the natural wood and fabrics look together. It's a linen covered pillow with a burlap cuff around the middle.
And, here it is with the original seat covering and wood color.
I don't think I can bring myself to paint them. Change the seat cover but paint them?!
Now, back to my not knowing what bamboo chairs cost. As I was wrestling the four chairs into my car that day, I happened to notice this tag under the seat. (imagine a cartoon character's eyes popping out of his head)
Do you see that??!! That was each!
Of course, once I got home and told my hubby, his comment was "sell them, sell them!" I was pleading "no, I'll never, ever have chairs like this again...ever!" Hahaha...I'm sure I sounded like one of my girls in their pre-teen years.
Never, ever! These are the last ones on the planet!
Ok, maybe it wasn't that dramatic but I was pretty excited.
Another great surprise...they were custom made locally!
Don't you love it when God puts thosekinds of goodies in your path? This, obviously, isn't a normal yard sale find for me but from time to time, God puts a real doozey of a deal in my path and I just have to thank Him...the whole way home. And every time I think about them. : )
I'm linking this post to Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday, Debra's blog at Common Ground here. And, Beyond the Picket Fence here. Be sure to check out these sites for more GREAT ideas! They're some of my favorites!
Thanks for taking precious time out of your day to visit with me!
This is Melissa @ daisymaebelle.com. LOVE those chairs!! Good for you to stick with it and get those treasures in your car! They are amazing!